The Information Manager stores student and curriculum data. The privacy button provides confidentiality.
Endings are found at the end of words and make an unexpected sound. They are rule-breakers.
Common prefixes found with examples and definitions are stored in this pallet.
Suffixes are added at the end of a base word. There are word examples and definitions for each suffix.
Similar sounding Digraphs are placed horizontally in this Pallet.
Word Builder allows unlimited custom storage for a broad range of curriculum
Silent Partners are additional spellings of consonant sounds.
Vowel teams are organized by long sound, short sound, diphthongs and location in words.
In this pallet are definitions and word examples for each prefix tile.
This Pallet provides a multi-sensory experience through phonemic awareness tasks.
Within each pallet is a Tip window that provides definition and specific information to that pallet.
This is an example of how TacTilesApp might be used for a lesson.
Bossy R can change the sound of vowels. The tiles in this pallet are arranged by their sound. The tiles in the center section of this pallet all make the same sound.